Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Today continued! I am currently sitting in the second floor of the hostel and talking to people right now. I spent the evening out at one of the local establishments watching the Greece vs. Sweden match for football and seeing Sweden won was awesome. Today was another exciting day full of shots, per usual...I'll be vaccinated for almost anything before I leave I feel like. After shots and learning how to take a stool sample, we came back to the hostel and then got cultural training! Anyone who has seen The Office's diversity day episode will appreciate what we was almost as bad. Following that, Joe and I went for a run. I have a feeling that I am going to be in ridiculous shape by the time I leave...there is a marathon being held in Ghana here in September, and I plan on entering. Yay for running for fun!

So far, Togo has been absolutely amazing. I know I may sound like kind of a broken record right now, but this country is awesome. I can't wait until tomorrow when we get to go to our host families and then start our actual training! I won't be able to mooch wireless from the hostel anymore, so updates may be quite few and far between, however I'll continue to write when I have free time. I hope that all is well, and you guys continue to keep in touch!

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